Synthetic Motor Oil Preventative Maintenance Pays For Itself

by admin on April 28, 2010

Your engine is the heart of your vehicle.  If you maintain it and care for your engine it will start every time and never leave you stranded.  If you don’t care for it it will start to burn oil, have rough starts, make you wonder if you should take a long trip or not, and cost you lots of money in the long run.  When you think about the thousands of dollars invested in your vehicles motor it makes sense that just .27 cents a day you can keep your engine tip top.

If you grew up on the farm then you already know spending money on preventative maintenance is money well spent.  A small investment in time and money on a regular basis leads to good things like… long engine life, top motor performance, your best fuel economy, and a cool running engine that saves you money.  Just changing your oil out to a real synthetic oil can prevent nasty engine deposits, the development of hot spots, unnessary piston wear, and extra protection for your crank bearings.

If you don’t do preventative maintenance you end up with an engine disaster.  Your motor starts eating oil and your adding at every gas stop, your engine gets unreliable and loses your trust for those long trips, engine hot spots start to accelerate the destruction of your oil and increase engine wear, you lose the responsiveness in the gas pedal and when you stomp on it you get a hesitation, engine is dirty and embarrassing (meaning you don’t like opening the hood when anyone is around), engine seizure, engine won’t start reliably.

Better fuel economy adds up in fact the premium cost of synthetic motor oil is washed away by just a tiny incremental improvement in fuel economy.  Your engine is your most important investment and you can save thousands of dollars and protect it for only 27 cents a day.

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