What I like About Mobil 1 Synthetic Oil

by admin on June 14, 2010

For the sake of your engine you need to see a few of the reasons why I like mobil 1 synthetic oil.  With modern engines these days it has become increasingly important to pay attention to the motor oils your use be it synthetic motor oil or regular old dinosaur oil (conventional motor oil).

Engine compartments are more compact and more prone to temperature issues and engine design change very rapidly means it is very important for oil to live up to (and beyond) its design expectations.  To protect my engines I want the best available lubricants on the market.

Motor oils are very complex and synthetic motor oils seem even more so (even though they are not).  There are a couple of key classifications of motor oils and one is which type of base synthetic stock is being used.  There is class III and class IV.  Class IV are PAO basestocks and some of the best oils on the market are made from this class of oil.

I consider mobil 1 synthetic oil super syn a true synthetic oil because it is made from PAO basestocks.  This is one of the reasons I like Mobil oil.  It has been around a long time and was almost first to market in the grand scheme of things.  Though they did not pioneer the synthetic oil movement they do use PAO basestocks.

I also like that Mobil has the balls to post extended mileage on the oil.  I have not checked in awhile but the last time I looked at their extended oil change product it was calling out a 15,000 mile oil change interval.  There are only a handful of companies doing this.  One of my favorite benefits of using synthetic oil is the opportunity to reduce the number of oil changes… this is of course second to the added protection you get.

Third think to like is the data I have seen shows it has decent wear protection.  Wear protection is number one priority but in a lot of cases good enough is good enough and I think Mobil does a great job in this area.  When you spend the extra money for synthetic oil you want better protection and if you get the right products you also get the convenience and cost savings of fewer oil changes.

To get more information and test data on mobil 1 synthetic oil and many other oils for your car click on this to get the best motor oil review consumer guide.

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